ZLOCATE(1)                                             ZLOCATE(1)


       zlocate - find a user using Zephyr


       zlocate [ -a | -d ] user ...


       Zlocate  uses  the  Zephyr(1) Notification Service to find
       where a user is currently logged in.  If the user  is  not
       logged  in,  or has set his location information such that
       you do not have access to see it, zlocate  prints  "Hidden
       or  not logged-in".  Otherwise, each machine that the user
       is currently logged into is printed, along with  the  time
       of login and location.  The location is usually the X win-
       dow system display name of the user's display, but may  be
       the  terminal  name if he is not using X or for some other
       reason is only using the terminal interface to zwgc(1).

       By default, all zlocate requests are  authenticated  using
       Kerberos.   If  you  do  not have kerberos tickets, or for
       some other reason do not  want  to  authenticate,  the  -d
       option will turn off authentication.  The -a option is the
       default, authentication on.


       zlocate exits with status zero (0) if at  least  one  user
       was found, and one (1) if no users were found.


       zctl(1),  zephyr(1), znol(1), zwgc(1), zhm(8), zephyrd(8),
       Project Athena Technical Plan Section E.4.1, `Zephyr Noti-
       fication Service'


       Robert S. French (MIT-Project Athena)
       Marc Horowitz (MIT-Project Athena)


       Copyright  (c) 1987,1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of
       Technology.  All Rights Reserved.
       zephyr(1) specifies the terms and conditions for redistri-

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